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Trees & Shrubs

Plant This Not That -- Part 2: Bare Root, Container or B & B?

As I hit publish last week, it occurred to me that I had missed an entire topic related to trees — an explanation of bare root trees, container grown trees and  balled in burlap or b&b trees. Since fall is a popular tree planting season, this seems like a good time to look at the …

Plant A Patch -- American Bittersweet ( Celastrus scandens)

    American bittersweet can be counted on to give spring, summer, fall and winter beauty. This native vine, which grows well in poor to average soil, prefers full sun for maximum flower and fruit production, but it will also tolerate part shade. The greenish-white to yellow blooms appear in May and June. In late …

Plant This Not That

We’ve decided to add on to our deck this fall. At our house, that means countless trips to the big box hardware store to pick up a different tool, another bracket or more wood. Since I can only look at 2 x 12s so long, I usually find myself wandering off to the garden center …

A Dry Fall Threatens the Landscape

Kansas City and the surrounding areas are currently experiencing what the state climatologist is calling “abnormally dry conditions.” Entering into the month of December, the area has consistently seen warmer than usual temperatures combined with rainfall amounts averaging 4.5 inches below normal. These near-drought conditions can cause stress to turf, trees and broadleaf evergreens. In …

It's Time For A"Long Winter's Nap"-- For Your Yard

With the temperatures staying so warm this fall — 70 degrees on December 2nd here — I’ve postponed some of my usual end of season yard tasks.With the weather so consistently warm,  I was afraid that I would do more harm than good by following my usual routine. To be on the safe side, I’ve checked …

"Fallin" for ShadeTrees

I was out working in the yard the other day when one of the neighbors from down the street stopped by to chat. The conversation quickly turned into some mild grousing by my neighbor about having to deal with “all these blasted trees and their leaves.” Since our houses are built next to a large …

Building Spring Beauty with Blooming Trees

    The weather has not been great here lately.  The temperatures have dropped, the sky has been a depressing shade of cloudy grey and the wind has been chilly. I have to admit that the older I get, the more I avoid going outside to do those necessary chores on ourngloomy days. Instead, I …