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Health, Wellness, & Nature

Declining Insects -- Declining World

  Insect populations around the world are rapidly declining. Within the next 20 years, 40% of the earth’s insect species may be extinct and within 100 years insects could disappear completely.  (Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: A review of its drivers Biological Conservation, Apr. 2019).         If your initial response to these …

Feel the Need for Green: Caring for Your Houseplants

  Writing about houseplants the last few weeks has made me want to spruce up my office with some new plants. The ones I have are solid, dependable varieties that do well in low light conditions and benign neglect, but they don’t particularly inspire me anymore. It’s time to try something new.     Saturday, …

Feel the Need for Green? --Designing with Houseplants

Like millions of her followers, I have become intrigued by Marie Kondo’s philosophy on organizing your life. Since reading her book, I have been thinking about which of the things that I hold on to truly give me joy. Of course, pictures of my family came out on top, as did a few pieces of …

Feel the Need for Green? Add Some Houseplants!

If I had to choose one word to describe this winter so far, I would use the word bleak. The sun has been absent so the sky has been consistently grey, the temperature has been too cold to enjoy being outside and it has either been raining, snowing or unbelievably windy. All in all, the …

The Healing Power of Herbs

    We got snowed in last weekend — eighteen inches of snow, no heat, no electricity and no way to get out of our driveway.  Since there was absolutely nothing else I could do, I took the opportunity to bundle up in blankets, sit down in my favorite chair and read. All day — …

Resolving to Succeed

I’ve never  been very good at either making or keeping New Year’s Resolutions.  Like a lot of people, if I do remember to make them, I forget about them within a few days. Then, I feel guilty that I didn’t follow through, I start to feel badly about myself and my new year is off …

Bring Nature In -- Let Stress Out

I have been feeling incredibly stressed lately.  Unfortunately, when I am stressed, I just shut down which, of course, increases my stress level and renders me virtually useless. My “To Do” list gets longer and my “Done” list stays blank.The only way I can interrupt this cycle is to take a nature break.     …

Memory Gardens -- A Natural Lifeline

Watching someone you love slowly disappear from the present, fade into the past and eventually lose the ability to function is both frustrating and painful. Millions of American families are currently experiencing these emotions as their loved ones struggle with the challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease. It is the 6th leading cause of death in the …