Lily of the Valley: A Must Have For Your Garden
By Sandra Nelson Today’s pick is by Shawn Eptig, Lily of the Valley I’ve heard it said that this is the fragrance of heaven. Straight from your grandmother’s garden, the familiar lily of the valley is a hardy ground cover for shady spots. Masses of …
Connect To The Past With Heirloom Plants
By Sandra Nelson
My grandmother was famous in our neighborhood for her rambunctiously beautiful flower gardens. To my knowledge, she never purchased a commercially produced seed or plant. Instead, each fall she carefully collected and saved seeds from her favorite flowers, dug summer bulbs and took some cuttings to grow on …
Virginia Sweetspire: A Must Have For Your Garden
By Sandra Nelson This week’s pick is by Philip Grubb, Horticulturist Virginia Sweetspire Graceful in the spring, fragrant in the summer, striking in the fall and structural in the winter, this native deciduous shrub is truly an all-season plant. Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica) is easily grown in moist, well-drained soil, making …
Spring Clean-Up, The Environmentally Friendly Way
By Sandra Nelson We had a quick taste of spring this past weekend. It was warm and sunny and people in our neighborhood were out in full force taking advantage of the beautiful days to begin their spring yard clean-up. Leaves were raked and bagged, perennials chopped back to the ground, trees were …
Bloomerang Lilac -- A Must Have For Your Garden
This week’s pick is by Art Hayzlett, Irrigation Service Manager Bloomerang Lilac If you’re longing for the sweet scent of lilacs all summer long, then the reblooming Bloomerang Lilac could be the answer. At only 4 feet tall, this easy to grow variety is suitable for foundation plantings, hedges, …
Bring Nature In -- Let Stress Out
By Sandra Nelson This article was originally published December 2018. I have been feeling incredibly stressed lately. Unfortunately, when I am stressed, I just shut down which, of course, increases my stress level and renders me virtually useless. My “To Do” list gets longer and my “Done” list stays blank.The only way I …
Sweetbay Magnolia -- A Must Have For The Garden
By Sandra Nelson This week’s pick is by Karl Hying, Landscape Designer Sweetbay Magnolia “The Sweetbay Magnolia, with its wonderful fragrance, blooms late May into June, long after other magnolias are done.” Elegant is the word of choice to describe this fragrant beauty. A striking alternative for a unique …
Life-long Gardening -- Adaptations That Work
By Sandra Nelson While wandering around the Chicago Botanic Garden last summer, I stumbled upon (no pun intended) an area dedicated to Accessible Gardening — gardening for people with special needs or physical limitations. Feeling my aches and pains more and more every day, the prospect of discovering ways to make strenuous gardening tasks …