The Summer Garden
In the best of times, keeping a summer garden fresh and appealing is a challenge. This year, with half of the lower forty-eight states experiencing unusual heat patterns and moderate to severe drought, the challenges are even greater. There are, however, environmentally friendly ways to keep your garden blooming throughout the dog days of summer.

Yellow and Grey Are This Year's Stars In the Garden
My garden is bursting with color right now. Hundreds of daffodils in shades of yellow are all in bloom, filling the beds and weaving through the grass like bright ribbons. It makes me happy to just sit and look at them, and after all of the stresses of last year, every sliver of joy is a gift to be treasured and a solid faith in the future.
The experts at Pantone must have recognized the importance and universality of those feelings. For only the second time in its 21 year history, two different colors share the stage as Pantone’s Color of the Year. Reflecting on the global upheavals of 2020, the panel of forecasters paired the joyful, upbeat yellow Illuminating with the strong, dependable Ultimate Grey. According to the Pantone Color Institute’s Executive Director Liatrice Eiseman, “...this is a color combination that gives us resilience and hope. We need to feel encouraged and uplifted; this is essential to the human spirit.”

Rain Gardens -- 2021
If the term RAIN GARDEN brings an image of a weedy bog teeming with scores of mosquitoes and other unpleasant flying insects to your mind, then it’s time to update and edit that picture!

Ten Easy To Grow Plants That Bring Movement To The Garden
To bring both vitality and tranquility to a garden, motion has to be an intentional element of the design.

Add Year-Round Appeal with These Five Shrubs
Early spring is a great time to turn a hum-drum landscape into the masterpiece of your dreams. Often, adding a few well-chosen and well-placed shrubs to the existing plant palette can make all the difference in the world.
Using Your Winter Eyes
In winter everything gets stripped down to its very essence and becomes sculptural. Details and views hidden by summer leaves are revealed. Structure, form and the quality of light and atmosphere become the stars of the show. By using the cues that nature gives us, we can fill our yards with winter beauty. “
Touring The World's Gardens -- From Home: Part 2
Welcome back to our virtual tour of some of the world’s outstanding -- and unusual -- botanical gardens. For this trip, I thought we would start right here in the United States with a visit to a garden that is one of my personal favorites, the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona.

Touring The World's Gardens -- From Home
Just when quarantining was starting to get to me, I discovered a way to travel the world from the safety of my favorite chair -- I found a treasure trove of virtual tours. With a few clicks of my mouse, I joined a Smithsonian tour of Egyptian Heritage Sites, rode an elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower and came face-to-face with the wildlife of Antarctica. Best of all though, were the breathtaking botanical gardens I meandered through. If you’re ready for a break from the humdrum pace of everyday life, then join me as we stroll through ten of the world’s best. We’ll explore five of my favorites this week and five more next week. I hope you’ll join us for all ten.