Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing you and your family a safe, peaceful and happy Thanksgiving.

Are You Weather-Wise?
We are almost through November and I still have flowers blooming and tomatoes on the vine. It makes me wonder what type of winter, if any, we will have this year. I’ve checked the weather authority’s forecast – the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association – (better known as NOAA) and learned that the outlook for the Midwest is “equal chances of below-, near-, or above average seasonal mean temperatures and seasonal total precipitation.” According to NOAA, La Nina is the cause of the uncertainty.

Bring Spring Inside This Winter
I overestimated the number of spring-blooming bulbs I could plant this year. (Well, to be totally honest how many bulbs my husband could plant for me.) We planted what we could, gave away some and put the rest in a box to “deal with later.” Stumbling across them yesterday, I decided that this was the perfect opportunity to learn how to successfully force bulbs into bloom so that I can enjoy bursts of color and fragrance in the dead of winter.