Plant A Grove: Wahoo ( Euonymus atropurpureus )
Adaptable to sun or shade, rich or poor soil, this native shrub is a standout in the fall. Featuring beautiful red foliage and scarlet red berries hanging from green stems, wahoo is a favorite of winter birds. Wahoo is an excellent understory plant, having an interestingly shaped, irregular crown and spreading growth habit. It …

Gifts for Gardeners -- 2018
Although my goal was to do the majority of my holiday shopping online this year, I couldn’t resist a trip or two to our local garden centers to see what they had to offer. Since several of my children and their spouses have turned into avid gardeners and I now have four grandchildren to indoctrinate …

Let It Snow
Originally published 12/12/2017 It’s supposed to snow here again over the long weekend. The forecaster assured us that this area wouldn’t have any accumulation this time, just flurries, but in my mind it marks the true beginning of winter. And winter to me means frigid temperatures, snow storms and shoveling snow, none of which …

Plant A Grove: American Smoketree -- (Cotinus obvatus)
Grown as a small tree or a large shrub, the American smoketree is known for its unique summer appearance and glorious fall color. Smoketrees, which can reach heights of 30 feet, require full sun but will do well in any soil type, even clay, as long as the soil drains reasonably well. …

Folklore or Fact? Predicting the Weather Using Nature Clues
Last week the white dusting of snow we got seemed like a welcome reprieve from my end of the season chores — the perfect opportunity to avoid doing any of the necessary but boring yard work ahead of me. Since it was only the beginning of November, I rationalized that there would be plenty of …

Memory Gardens -- A Natural Lifeline
Watching someone you love slowly disappear from the present, fade into the past and eventually lose the ability to function is both frustrating and painful. Millions of American families are currently experiencing these emotions as their loved ones struggle with the challenges of Alzheimer’s Disease. It is the 6th leading cause of death in the …

Plant A Grove: Black Chokeberry ( Aronia melanocarpa)
If you’re looking for a shrub border for your rain garden, black chokeberry could be your answer. With a mature height of 3 to 6 feet, this full sub shrub grows best in well-drained soil, but will also tolerate boggy conditions. It has showy white blooms in the spring, dark green leaves throughout …

Plant A Grove -- Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)
If you’ve taken a drive in the countryside lately, you’ve probably seen a striking shrub flaunting yellow, orange and red foliage all on the same bush. Staghorn sumac, named for the velvety appearance of its stunning young branchlets, has a strong, open, spreading growth habit, reaching 15 to 25 feet. It naturalizes …