Plant A Patch: Foxglove Penstemon -- (Penstemon digitalis)
If you are looking for the perfect plant for your evening garden, this native perennial fits the bill. Easy to grow, native penstemon prefers well-drained soil in the full sun or in partial shade. It’s restrained clump-like growth pattern does well in borders or works for naturalizing. White, trumpet shaped flowers on 30 inch …

Rest, Relax and Rejuvenate -- In Nature
I honestly thought that when I retired from teaching the pace of my life would dramatically change. I imagined spending hours outdoors — working in my gardens, exploring new places and just generally basking in nature — since I wouldn’t be tied to a desk grading papers anymore. What I discovered was that the ending …
Plant A Patch: Star Tickseed (Coreopsis pubescens)
Expect mounds of bright yellow blooms on slender stems from June to September with this easy to grow native perennial. Star Tickseed prefers full sun and dry, well-drained soil although they also tolerate high humidity, drought and thin, rocky or sandy soil. Star Tickseed can be short-lived, but they do self-seed easily. Deadhead …

Plant This Not That -- Part 2: Bare Root, Container or B & B?
As I hit publish last week, it occurred to me that I had missed an entire topic related to trees — an explanation of bare root trees, container grown trees and balled in burlap or b&b trees. Since fall is a popular tree planting season, this seems like a good time to look at the …

Plant A Patch -- American Bittersweet ( Celastrus scandens)
American bittersweet can be counted on to give spring, summer, fall and winter beauty. This native vine, which grows well in poor to average soil, prefers full sun for maximum flower and fruit production, but it will also tolerate part shade. The greenish-white to yellow blooms appear in May and June. In late …
Plant This Not That
We’ve decided to add on to our deck this fall. At our house, that means countless trips to the big box hardware store to pick up a different tool, another bracket or more wood. Since I can only look at 2 x 12s so long, I usually find myself wandering off to the garden center …

The Not So Secret Life of Bees -- Part Two, Designing for Bees
The more I read about bees and their relatives, wasps and flies, the more fascinated I become with these tiny powerhouses and the more I understand why people are so passionate about providing for them and protecting them.As we mentioned in last week’s blog, honeybees may be the most well-known bee, but it is certainly …

Plant A Patch: Celandine Poppy -- (Stylophorum diphyllum)
The celandine poppy, or wood poppy, is a lessor known native perennial perfect for humus-rich shady rain gardens. This low growing spring bloomer features generous clusters of bright yellow blooms standing above its blue-green foliage. It naturalizes well by self-seeding, but will go dormant in overly dry weather.