Fall Turf Tasks
Although it’s hard to believe with temperatures hitting the upper nineties on a daily basis, fall really is rapidly approaching. That means it’s time to start scheduling the critical fall turf tasks that help keep your lawn area healthy throughout the winter and help jump start spring growth.

Basking in the Moonlight
With the wretchedly hot weather cooling down just a bit, I’ve finally been able to enjoy being outdoors again. In fact, my back deck has become the go-to place for an iced cold glass of lemonade, a pre-dinner snack and a good book. While it’s always been a relaxing space, this year it has become even more inviting because of the sound of gently flowing water and the soft, sweet fragrance of the moonflowers that have climbed to the top of the deck.

Which Ornamental Grass Is Right For You?
Just like in making other garden choices, the old adage “the right plant in the right spot” applies to ornamental grasses too. While many thrive in full sun and dry soil, some prefer a little shade and consistent moisture. Some are towering, structural specimens perfect as a focal point, others are diminutive varieties, better suited to edging a border. Some are cool season, some warm. Knowing the typical characteristics of the ornamental grasses you are considering before you do any planting can help you choose just the right one.

Why Plant Ornamental Grasses
I’m embarrassed to admit this, but the first year we planted our patch of prairie in the front yard I secretly hated it. It just looked messy to me, especially with so many clumps of unruly grasses sticking up everywhere. The few scraggly flowers certainly didn’t help. Every time I looked at it, I regretted that we had put this eyesore in our front yard for everyone to see. Six years later, my regret is that our prairie is so small; I wish it covered the entire yard. Over the years, the community of plants has matured and so have I. I came to understand the functions of ornamental grasses in the landscape and to appreciate their unique beauties.