National Moth Week
This past week was National Moth Week. Don’t feel badly if you missed it - I didn’t pick up on it until Thursday. Even then I have to admit I was skeptical; my perception of moths was somewhat negative. Either they hung around the porch lights at night making nuisances of themselves or they took bites out of sweaters – expensive wool sweaters. I just couldn’t feature why moths needed to be celebrated for an entire week!

Garden Greats -- If You're A Bumblebee!
One of the most exciting things I discovered in my ramblings is that the message to protect our pollinators is not only being heard, but it is also being put into practice. In every town we visited in every one of the five states, gardens filled with native flowers were flourishing. And to top it off, bumblebees were slowly perusing the blossom buffets in four of the five states. (Unfortunately, one of our stops was Wyoming where bumblebees have already disappeared. I was encouraged though, to see that an effort is being made to draw them back; the Wyoming gardens were filled with bumblebee delicacies.)