Sitting Pretty -- Part 2 Patio Accessories
By Sandra Nelson Have you ever noticed that every season we have new marketing buzzwords directed toward us? Most of the time they seem so contrived to me ( I must be entering the curmudgeon stage of life ) but this year one did catch my eye. Almost every design article I’ve read …

What's Bugging You Today?
By Sandra Nelson I honestly thought that they had passed me by. Then, this happened and I knew that my time was coming….Japanese beetles had arrived. Accidentally introduced in 1916, the Japanese beetle has become one of the challenging of the insect pests to eradicate from the home landscape. Currently found …

Sitting Pretty -- On The Perfect Paver Patio
By Sandra Nelson
July 1959 was an exciting time for my family; It was the year that my father made his mark on our neighborhood. He became a local celebrity by turning our backyard into what was then considered a lavish outdoor living space. Fired up by pictures he saw in magazines, my …

What's Bugging You Today?
By Sandra Nelson Technically not a spider or an insect, the spider mite is a member of the arachnid family. (In case you’ve forgotten your grade school science, arachnids are invertebrates with exoskeletons, segmented bodies and at least three pairs of jointed legs.) World wide there are literally thousands of varieties of …

Trends in Outdoor Kitchens 2020
By Sandra Nelson While outdoor kitchens have been at the top of homeowners’ wish lists for the last few years, ideas about what those kitchens should look like are beginning to change. No longer just a spot to grill, outdoor kitchens today are fast becoming the heart of outdoor living. They include options …

What's Bugging You Today?
By Sandra Nelson Hanging like little Christmas ornaments from their host plants, these benign looking sacs are home to one of the more formidable insect enemies of the summer. BAGWORMS Bagworms, or more precisely Thyridopteryx ephemeraformis, feed on over 128 different species of common landscaping plants. Among their …

Poolscaping -- Transforming Average to Outstanding
By Sandra Nelson My daughter recently lamented that swimming pools are the new toilet paper this summer — not to be found anywhere. She moaned that she missed being outdoors, enjoying her surroundings and dangling her feet in the water while the kids splashed and played. Granted, she was talking about a kiddie pool …

What's Bugging You Today?
By Sandra Nelson Here in the Midwest, July seems to be the time when the insects take over the garden. Just this morning I found this critter hanging out in my carrot patch. I was about to send him to the great caterpillar resting spot in the sky when a little voice …