Japanese Honeysuckle: A Beautiful Bane
I ran across this headline this morning. Honeysuckle Is Evil. It was quite an attention grabber and I have to admit that I have said the same, and worse, in my quest to get rid of this insidious invader. Someone, long ago I am sure, was told to plant a few starts on the back cliff in an effort to keep the hillside from disappearing into the quarry directly below us. I truly understand the intent, (I wish I could go back and apologize to homeowners for all the English Ivy I planted through the years.) but today I am battling its takeover of my entire yard.

Planting a Hummingbird Buffet
The next two weeks are shaping up to be prime planting time here in the Midwest. They're promising us lots of sunlight, warm temperatures and just enough rain to get things going in the garden. While I will be spending lots of time with my grandkids planting their gardens, one of my own goals this spring is to rework my hummingbird garden.