Plant A Patch: Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis)
Striking purple-blue blooms in the spring followed by unique seek pods later in the summer are the hallmark of this showy, easy to grow native perennial. False indigo prefers full sun, where it will grow 3 – 4 feet tall, but also tolerates some shade .It needs only average to poor soil, thriving in …

Water Features: An Oasis of Your Own
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” The words of John Lubbock, an early British statesman and naturalist, hold enormous truths …

Plant A Patch: Prairie Blazing Star (Liatris pycnostachya)
True to its name, this native perennial will give you a long-lasting blaze of vibrant purple or pink color beginning in late July and continuing into September. Unlike most flowers, Prairie blazing star also known as Prairie gayfeather and Prairie liatris, features a spike of stalkless flower heads densely packed onto a …

The Quest for Color
I have to admit that when I was a beginning gardener I ( more than once) designed my annual flower beds based on ideas I “borrowed” from one of the flower beds in front of a restaurant I frequently visited. Even though it was in the blazing hot sun by a concrete sidewalk, it was …

Plant A Patch: Missouri Evening Primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa)
Blooming throughout the summer, this beautiful native perennial is a lightly scented, evening blooming prize. Missouri evening primrose is perfect as a ground cover or for the front of the bed, reaching only 6 to 10 inches in height. It features 4 to 5 inch yellow blooms that provide nectar for butterflies and moths. It …

Clematis - Queen of the Vines
I went to the garden center today to get two 4 inch pots and a couple of succulents to fill them. I walked out with three new clematis varieties, two trellises, a hummingbird feeder and absolutely no pots or succulents.Since I already have five gorgeous clematis on my fence, adding more almost seems an extravagance, …

Plant A Patch: Goldenrod (Solidago speciosa)
Often maligned and saddled with a nefarious reputation, goldenrod, commonly called showy goldenrod, is an underused native perennial. Contrary to common belief, the pollen from goldenrod does not cause allergies. (That’s ragweed!) Easily grown in dry, clay soil, this full sun perennial has club-shaped clusters of bright yellow blooms beginning in July and continuing throughout …

Dining Out In Your Own Backyard -- Layouts and More
You’ve made the decision, settled on the budget and determined the perfect spot. You have a good sense of how you will use the space, but you still have a multitude of details to consider. The designers at Embassy Landscape Group can help you iron out the details and create a remarkable space that …