Plant A Patch: Possum-haw holly (Ilex decidua)
A relation to last week’s selection, Possum-haw holly is a native, deciduous shrub especially known for its bright red berries throughout the fall and winter seasons. Like its evergreen relative, Possum haw holly prefers a full sun location, but will tolerate partial shade. It does well in moist but well drained locations so can …

Feel the Need for Green? --Designing with Houseplants
Like millions of her followers, I have become intrigued by Marie Kondo’s philosophy on organizing your life. Since reading her book, I have been thinking about which of the things that I hold on to truly give me joy. Of course, pictures of my family came out on top, as did a few pieces of …

Plant A Patch: American holly (Ilex opaca)
The perfect plant for adding dramatic color to the winter landscape, American holly is a classic choice! This slow growing, broadleaf evergreen with glossy green leaves and clusters of bright red berries throughout the winter is the epitome of the traditional Christmas decoration. More than just a decoration, American Holly can serve as …

Feel the Need for Green? Add Some Houseplants!
If I had to choose one word to describe this winter so far, I would use the word bleak. The sun has been absent so the sky has been consistently grey, the temperature has been too cold to enjoy being outside and it has either been raining, snowing or unbelievably windy. All in all, the …

Add A Grove: Washington Hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum)
Providing a striking contrast to evergreens, the Washington hawthorn is a must for the winter landscape. Attractive in all seasons, this small, rounded native tree features white blooms in spring, glossy green leaves in summer, gorgeous fall foliage ranging from orange to reddish-purple and bright red fruit called haws that appear in fall and …

The Healing Power of Herbs
We got snowed in last weekend — eighteen inches of snow, no heat, no electricity and no way to get out of our driveway. Since there was absolutely nothing else I could do, I took the opportunity to bundle up in blankets, sit down in my favorite chair and read. All day — …

Plant A Grove: Eastern red-cedar (Juniperus virginiana)
A highly desirable native evergreen. Eastern red-cedar is a mainstay for the winter landscape. Tolerant to drought and hot, dry winds, Eastern red-cedar loves the full sun and thrives in a variety of soil types, including shallow, rocky soils. Since they stand up well to both salt spray and ground salt, they are …

Resolving to Succeed
I’ve never been very good at either making or keeping New Year’s Resolutions. Like a lot of people, if I do remember to make them, I forget about them within a few days. Then, I feel guilty that I didn’t follow through, I start to feel badly about myself and my new year is off …