Turning Dreams to Reality through the Design Process: Developing a Conceptual Plan
If you are like me, you are heading into a very dangerous gardening time. After a few weeks of grey skies, cold temperatures and intermittent snowfall, I am entering the “renovate the entire yard to create an outdoor masterpiece” phase. For the next few weeks, I will stand by my windows and visualize stone patios …

Sustainable Landscapes -- A Sense of Place and A Sense of Peace
Growing up in the middle of a large Midwestern city, my connection with nature was little more than a few minutes in our highly manicured yard, an occasional visit to a city park or a stroll through our botanical garden for the Christmas display. My family simply did not see the need to spend much time …

The Case for Sustainable Landscaping
At a recent presentation to a group of homes association property managers, my colleagues were asked why they were suggesting that changes be made in the landscapes resulting in sustainable landscaping for their properties. The potential clients questioned their logic, seeing the suggested changes as a path to planned obsolescence for Embassy; it seemed like …

Fill the Need for Green - Visit a Nearby Botanical Garden
It’s been nearly two weeks since we have seen blue sky and sun here. Temperatures have been so miserable that zero feels like a heat wave and to top it all off, our driveway becomes a death trap in snowy or icy weather so I am essentially housebound right now. With January not even half …

Goals for Gardeners
The first week of January always brings out an almost obsessive need to clean and organize my surroundings in preparation for the new year ahead. I usually attack the closets first and then move into the basement and garage storage in a frenzied attempt to achieve organizational nirvana. It drives my poor husband crazy because …